There are two main types of committees: standing and special.
Standing committees are permanent and where the business of TXNAHRO is conducted and member needs are met. The Standing Committees are: Housing, Community Revitalization and Development, Professional Development, Member Services and Commissioners.”
​Standing Committees
Community Revitalization & Development
This committee addresses the program areas of Community Development and Revitalization, recommending actions to the Executive Committee regarding, but not limited to, program dollars, legislation, regulation, administration at federal, state, and local levels, and the effective representation of the membership’s interest.
This committee addresses the program areas of Public Housing and Section 8, recommends actions to the Executive Committee regarding, but not limited to, program dollars, legislation, regulations, administration at federal, state and local levels, and the effective representation of the membership’s interest.
Professional Development
This committee focuses on the general and specific areas of career identification, training and education, certification and credentialing, and the professionalization of the members engaged in such job opportunities. This committee establishes training topics and confirms professional trainers for conferences and trainings.
Commissioners Committee
This committee works to broaden the constituency and support programs to expand the skills of commissioners to effectively fulfill their responsibilities.
Member Services
This committee serves the general and special interests of the members which cut across program and professional lines; represents the interest of special interests groups within the membership, works to coordinate supportive products and services rendered by the Association such as conferences and conventions, workshops and seminars, publication, representation and such related matters. This committee solicits new members and assists with the membership drive each year. In addition, this committee is responsible for reviewing membership fees and making recommendations for change to the Executive Board as appropriate.
​Standing Committees
Special committees are generally established by the President, who may create other committees, task forces or similar groups as deemed appropriate to serve the purposes and activities of OK NAHRO.
Awards Committee
Legislative Committee
Scholarship Committee
Housing America Committee